Fat Loss Tips

10 Golden Rules Of Weight Loss (Rules 7-10)


Rule #7

It is important to understand what benefits are gained from taking each of the NutriSource weight loss products so I will cover them in detail. First, as I mentioned earlier, with the challenge of eating every three or four hours you are faced with finding the most effective ways to put together healthy foods that stabilize your blood sugar and help you achieve balance.

NutriSource has created the world’s first 50-25-25, low glycemic, nutrient dense meal replacement shake. With taste as a major factor, each of these products was designed around achieving the best in taste without sacrificing quality or effectiveness. The NutriSource International meal replacement shake is formulated with the highest quality proteins in a synergistic combination including all twenty-two amino acids. Proteins include ion exchanged whey protein concentrate, known for having the highest biological value of any protein on the market, due to the fact that you body can assimilate it completely. Complete assimilation enhances the building of lean muscle while increasing your t-cell count which helps keep the immune system healthy.

Whey protein is often referred to as an anabolic or body regeneration protein and is rated at the top of its class. Soy protein is next on the list due to the many positive metabolic and disease fighting properties recently discovered. Egg white protein is third and brings with it the highest amino acid balance of all proteins. Last but not least is casein, known for its ability to feed the cells over a longer period of time than the other proteins making it anti-catabolic or in other words keeping your body from tearing itself down. On to carbohydrates, an area that most companies compromise on quality and elect to go for the cheap high glycemic corn syrups, refined sugars and other unhealthful choices. At NutriSource, low glycemic sugars such as fructose, from natural fruit sugar, FOS (highly beneficial for intestinal cleansing) and maltodextrin (the best carbohydrate to restore muscle and liver glycogen, the stored sugar your body draws upon for energy.)

For fats, high oleic sunflower oil and lecithin are added to assure the right foundation of the essential fatty acids and high energy mono-unsaturated fats. These are the main healthy fats that most of us are missing in our current diets. To top off the list the NutriSource shake includes, digestive enzymes for complete assimilation, fat burning metabolism, fiber for intestinal health and blood sugar stabilization, (also very important for appetite control and weight loss), vitamins, minerals and with all nutrients in a perfect balance. The NutriSource shake can be used anytime day or night to replace a meal and is ideal before a workout. One half serving of the shake can be taken before going to sleep at night to assist your body in reaching a deep restoring sleep.

Late night’s junk food snacks can ruin your sleep and interfere with the body’s recovery process. Its not unusual to see a 2-3% drop in body fat over a one month period when using the shake and food in the combination described in the NutriSource Weight Loss Program. Great energy, mental clarity, controlled appetite, blood sugar balance and better recovery are several benefits of using the NutriSource shake on a regular basis. The shake comes in three delicious flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry.

These shakes have also won awards for the best tasting shakes in the industry at the NNFA (National Nutrition Foods Association) Conference. The shakes come in convenient foil pouches that you can take anywhere, as well as a 14 serving tub container. Add 8 oz. of water and mix and you have a perfect meal consisting of 20 grams of protein, 40 grams of low glycemic carbohydrates and 8 grams of essential fats. No blender is required.

Also available is our Pure Protein formula, which comes in two flavors (chocolate and vanilla) and can help to add the right amount of protein to any meal. These are available in economical 4-pound containers. You may want to try our Carbo Fighter, which helps the body control excess carbohydrates. This helps you to minimize the over consumption of the high glycemic carbs as you are learning how to eat in better balance. Next, I would suggest our Super EFA formula to improve your cells ability to burn fat and improve your overall metabolism. And finally, getting the best digestive Enzymes can send a “fat burning” message to the cells and help to break down the foods you are eating. Without the right enzymes (lipase) you may be sending the wrong message and wind up storing more fat. Find out why so many people use the NutriSource Weight Loss System religiously.


Rule #8

Take the strain out of your diet by controlling stress levels permanently. With a two- phase product line called AdaptaMax Phase 1 and Phase 2 you will breeze through even the most stressful days. These two formulas help to reduce the cravings for sugary and fatty type foods. These special herbs protect your immune system from stress, re-energize your cells, keep your body in a fine tuned balance and maximize your body’s ability to recover from physical training or injury. About 90% of all illnesses are stress related. Imagine having a front line defense against the very thing that causes us to break down. Out of over 20,000 plants in nature there are only about 12 that are classified as an adaptogen. Physical, mental, emotional and environmental stresses are kept in control by using these amazing products. Try the set for a month and discover how truly effective these products are.


Rule #9

With modern technology we can isolate the very substances in fruits and vegetables that enrich our body’s with all the key essential nutrients. Our Super Green Foods product is designed for someone that wants to maintain superior health but doesn’t have the time to eat the 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables it takes to keep us healthy. One full tablespoon of this powder mixed with your favorite shake or beverage can deliver a complete spectrum of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, trace elements and more. Feel your body come alive again when it is fed the proper amounts of green foods. Build a habit that is easy to maintain but pays dividends for a lifetime.


Rule #10

What if we had a way to make the body more efficient in burning fat without using stimulants? Acetyl L-Carnitine has been found to improve the body’s ability to burn fat, improve memory, energy, metabolism, and overall quality of life. You owe to your self to take a closer look at getting back to your ideal weight with a little help from Acetyl L-Carnitine.

I hope you enjoyed the 3 part series. Please visit Action Fitness Training for more great health and fitness information.

Scott Magers is a leading educator, formulator, and motivator in the field of nutrition and fitness. With over 32 years of experience in nutritional science, Scott has worked with many of the top professional and Olympic athletes, business leaders, sports teams, youth groups, and celebrities outlining detailed programs emphasizing a low glycemic, nutrient-dense, balanced approach to nourishing the body.
Fat Loss Tips

10 Golden Rules Of Weight Loss (Rules 3-6)


Rule #3

Exercise is a major factor in keeping your blood sugar in balance, boosting energy levels and enhancing your body’s efficiency in storing nutrients into your cells.

Take exercise out of the equation and you’ve eliminated your body’s secret weapon for losing weight and improving your heath. Moderate exercise can reverse many of the negative effects of a poor diet. This is not to say that if you exercise you don’t need to watch what you eat. Instead, your attitude should be that your goal is to feed your body the proper fuel to prep yourself daily for some physical training. The nice thing about exercising is the more energy you put into it, the more energy you get back. It’s that simple. Start by building a base level of training and slowly add some intensity when your body is ready. A balanced meal before training leads to a spectacular workout. A meal out of balance will cause you to feel so sluggish you may not be able to finish.

Choose wisely what you eat before you train and just as important what you eat after you train to replace what you burned. With higher intensity training you can actually eat higher glycemic foods after exercising to quickly replace your glycogen or muscle energy for the next day. The body’s blood sugar threshold is expanded after a good workout meaning that it’s harder to mess up. Early morning training on an empty stomach can actually help you burn fat up to three times more efficiently, however it is important to remember to eat within an hour of waking. Lifting weights puts on lean muscle mass the fastest and therefore increases your metabolism even while you are resting.

That means you get to eat more. Putting on an extra 5 pounds of muscle equates to over 200 extra calories burned at rest. That could be just what you need to jump-start you back into health. Three to five workouts a week are recommended with training sessions lasting from 30 minutes up to one hour. With 24 hours in a day there is no reason not to spend at least 30 minutes strengthening your heart, lungs, muscles and discipline. Make your workouts fun. Variety is the key. Also, its great to train with a friend to stay motivated and reach your goals. Hold each other accountable for showing up on time and putting forth a quality effort.best_meal_replacement_shake

Rule #4

Three meals a day or less are not enough to keep your blood sugar levels in balance. The goal here should be to strive for small balanced, nutrient dense, low glycemic meals eaten every 3-4 hours throughout the day. Usually that comes out to 5 or 6 feedings or grazings a day. Large meals are out if you want the mirror to reflect a healthy image back. On the other side of the coin, skipping meals will slow down your metabolism, drop your blood sugar down to dangerous levels and take you out of hormonal balance.

To avoid missing meals I recommend using a high quality meal replacement shake or such as the ones offered by NutriSource International. The meal replacement should include high quality proteins with all 22 amino acids, low glycemic carbohydrates, essential fats, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals and be low in sugars. NutriSource International is one of the few companies that does not compromise on their ingredients. An every other meal approach works best. For example breakfast should be a food meal. Three hours later have a meal replacement shake to maintain blood sugar levels. Lunch is next and a food meal is again appropriate. The late afternoon feeding should be a shake, followed ideally by a workout.

Your dinner or after workout meal is next and should again consist of a food meal. Your last meal should take place three hours later before bed and a snack or half size meal works best to enhance your sleep quality. Remember to include each of the three macronutrients: proteins, carbs and fats with every meal. Drink plenty of water in between meals and some with them. The right kind of water helps keep you hydrated, transports nutrients and removes excess toxins and wastes. Waiting until you are thirsty is too late. At that point you are operating at 25% beneath your normal capacity.

With 60% of your body weight coming from water its one nutrient you must take seriously. One half of your body weight in ounces of water is the ideal hydration level to shoot for daily. We have discovered that a water discovered by Dr. Lee Lorenzen called “Vivo” works best. It uses a special micro-clustered technology that allows more water into your cells assisting with literally thousands of metabolic functions in our body’s tissues. It is currently being clinically tested all over the world with studies showing amazing results.


Rule #5

Feed the body specifically what it needs and eliminate what it doesn’t. What does the body demand daily to stay in optimum health? We discussed the importance of the right balance of macronutrients, (protein, carbohydrates and fats). In addition, there are a total of 92 essential nutrients that one must consume on a daily basis to maintain proper health. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and trace elements make up another part of the nutritional puzzle, while water, fiber, enzymes and key adaptogenic herbs from nature round out the rest.

On top of what the body needs daily to function is the fact that when we overload ourselves with non-nutritious choices or anti-nutrients our body spends hours trying to discard the excess toxins interfering with our ability to utilize the good foods we are eating. On the one hand, most people are deficient in many nutritional categories while at the same time are filling themselves up with a lot of “empty” calories. With an emphasis on covering the basic essentials and cutting out the junk at the same time we blast up the top of the ladder of well-being with relative ease. Check to make sure you are getting the essentials without polluting the body at the same time.


Rule #6

You have to have a plan. Your plan needs to cover what you need, when you need it while fitting into your busy schedule. It has to be easy, practical, effective and complete. It also has to be something you can stick to for the rest of your life without feeling deprived of the foods you love or feeling like you are starving all the time. You must feel the difference and lock your body into a true hormonal balance that maximizes the internal environment for cellular functioning. The body has some amazing powers to heal itself when given the proper nutrients in the proper balances.

The combination of the right foods together with the right type of supplementation provides you with a way to master the each of these nutritional rules. The consistency of your new approach will begin to build a momentum with your energy, strength, endurance and recovery. A body in balance that is functioning at its potential creates an abundant flow of life-energy. This energy will continue to expand until you reach a point where your immune system becomes so strong, sickness and disease become ancient memories.

Stay tuned for part three in this three part series coming up next.

Getting Healthy Can Be Enjoyable. Visit Action Fitness Training

Scott Magers is a leading educator, formulator, and motivator in the field of nutrition and fitness. With over 32 years of experience in nutritional science, Scott has worked with many of the top professional and Olympic athletes, business leaders, sports teams, youth groups, and celebrities outlining detailed programs emphasizing a low glycemic, nutrient-dense, balanced approach to nourishing the body.
Fat Loss Tips

10 Golden Rules Of Weight Loss (Overview-Rules 1 and 2)


What you are about to read may change your life. Up until now you have probably struggled keeping the extra fat off your body and have become frustrated with diets that usually end up causing your weight to yo-yo up and down.

You may have tried skipping meals, eating less, eliminating all carbohydrates, avoiding big meals late at night, maybe even sitting in a sauna until you were dehydrated, but none of these approaches work long term in keeping the fat off. The answer begins with the understanding of how your body utilizes its nutrients. There are 3 macro-nutrients: Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat.

Putting these three together in the right ratios is like knowing the combination to a lock. When the precise numbers are dialed in the lock opens. Miss even one number and the lock stays shut. The difference between “fat storage mode” and “fat burning mode” is dialing in the right numbers every three to four hours from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed.

The protein in your diet is especially important since it helps to build lean tissue, organs, enzymes and keeps our immune system strong and healthy. The carbohydrates help to fuel your energy needs and provide many useful nutrients, while fat keep our cells working right and allow us to stay in hormonal balance. Nutrition would be easy if you could eat any type of protein, carbohydrate or fatty food at any time but it just doesn’t work that way. Without knowing when to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat, you are at a real disadvantage when it comes to controlling your weight as well as maximizing your health.

I would like to share with you Ten Golden Rules that will help you understand how to keep off the extra fat while delivering to you great energy and better health.

Are Your Ready? Here We Go…


Rule #1

Keep your blood sugar levels at or near balance from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. This rule is listed as number 1 for a reason. Without applying this rule, hormonal balance, a lean body, cellular function, mental clarity and longevity becomes impossible.

The foods that we eat will dictate how your body’s blood sugar will react from meal to meal, day in and day out. Certain foods cause your blood sugar levels to race out of control triggering an over production of the hormone insulin. This will quickly lead to accelerated fat storage, dangerous levels of triglycerides or blood fats to be released in the arteries and a sharp drop in blood sugar. This sharp drop will drain you of energy, cause you to crave sweets, zap your mental clarity and wipe out any chance you have of burning body fat. In other words you are literally wrecking your health.

One week of eating with an emphasis on stabilizing blood sugar will blast your energy levels through the roof, not to mention make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. Your body always strives to stay in balance. With your help the body can work a lot easier in reaching this state. With all systems operating a peak efficiency you achieve a new cellular harmony which starts to melt off extra fat, reduces stress hormone levels, improves your mood and leads to deeper sleep, causing a better overall repair and recovery from the previous day’s activities.

How do you stabilize blood sugar you may ask? Well, the answer is revealed in rule #2.


Rule #2

Blood sugar is balanced when the body receives the right amount and type of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The ratios should be set at 50% slow releasing, low glycemic carbohydrates, 25% low fat, high quality proteins and 25% essential and nutritious fats.

Be careful here. It’s easy to eat the wrong type of carbohydrate, protein and fats and be nowhere near balance. It’s also easy to over-eat too much at one sitting and force the body back into a fat storage mode. Portion sizes are always dictated by the lean body weight of each individual and their activity level. Exercise more and you must eat more. Exercise less and you must eat less at each sitting. Learning the exact amounts will be covered a little bit later. For now, let’s focus on each of the macro-nutrients as a starting point. Let’s begin with carbohydrates, since 1/2 of all your calories should come from carbohydrates.

In this category you have three choices: Low glycemic, medium glycemic and high glycemic carbohydrates. Low glycemic carbohydrates enter the blood stream very slowly and therefore do not throw blood sugar levels out of balance. Because of this at least half of all the carbohydrates you consume should be low glycemic. The glycemic index is a rating of all carbohydrate foods and each food is given a score between 0-100. Surprisingly enough, a lot of foods that are considered diet foods are the highest on the scale. For instance, rice cakes, potatoes, white sticky rice, table sugar and most breads are at the top.

The lowest choices are most vegetables, fruits, beans and certain pastas. Making a conscience effort to eat low glycemic carbohydrates at each meal will make a significant difference in your quest to achieve optimum health. The best way to learn the details about various carbohydrates is to study the glycemic index list until you become familiar with the foods you should include. Your next step is to eat the right amount of protein with each meal. Not including protein with your meal will deprive your brain, liver, muscles and all cells of the vary thing they are made of. If your body needs 100 grams of protein a day and you only feed it 50 grams, it won’t be long before your immune system, muscles and entire body will feel the effects.

This is especially important if you are exercising regularly and have greater needs for protein due to the body’s repair and regeneration of muscle tissue. The quickest way for an athlete to reach a state of over-training is by not getting enough protein. Lean choices of protein include: egg whites, fish, turkey and chicken breast just to name a few. Higher fat proteins include: bacon, sausage, hot dogs, pork, whole milk and hamburgers. Remember our goal of balanced blood sugar. The right choices in the protein category make a significant difference in keeping our immune system strong and maximizing our lean muscle mass throughout our lives.

Fats are next and deserve close attention. Many people think that fats should be avoided completely, but if you believe that myth you will never reach a state of hormonal balance. For one thing, our hormones are made from fats and need certain types of fats to function properly. The body’s first line of defense depends on the quality of fats in our diet. Leave out the essential fats and you leave yourself vulnerable for viruses and disease. By incorporating the essential oils, also referred to as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, along with monounsaturated fat (also called Omega-9) you will give your body an amazing boost in several areas vital to maintaining your health. First off, these fats help improve blood sugar levels, improve metabolic function, deliver key vitamins to their proper spots as well as helping the body with the process of storing its nutrients in the cell. Incidentally, many of the attention deficient disorders, attitude problems and general moods can be greatly improved by adding the right amounts of essential fats into the mix.

There is currently an epidemic in essential oil deficiency in the world today due to the processing and refining done to most foods. We are challenged to get our good fats from fish, flax seeds or through certain supplements to assure maximum benefit. What most people don’t know is that not only are we deficient in what we need but we over consume the fats we should stay away from. Trans fat and hydrogenated oils do more damage to our health than just about any other single substance. Fats that have gone through a heating process change their shape and no longer nourish the cell. Instead, they damage the cell severely leading to many common diseases. Eliminating trans fats from your diet will elevate your health several levels overnight. Fried foods, packaged cookies, cakes and chips are all loaded with these dangerous fats and should be avoided. This is one area you would be best not to ignore. It could cost you everything in the long run.

Look for Golden Weight Loss Rules 3-5 in Part 2 of this 3 part series.

Best fitness training in 2020:  Action Fitness Training.

Scott Magers is a leading educator, formulator, and motivator in the field of nutrition and fitness. With over 32 years of experience in nutritional science, Scott has worked with many of the top professional and Olympic athletes, business leaders, sports teams, youth groups, and celebrities outlining detailed programs emphasizing a low glycemic, nutrient-dense, balanced approach to nourishing the body.
Fat Loss Tips

Low Glycemic Diet for Health


Another study that has emerged from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the Framington Heart Study and other sources demonstrates the substantial increase in risk for disease associated with obesity. A companion study reported a sustained 10 percent reduction in body weight can help increase life expectancy, reduce the number of years you would have a disease and lower medical expenses.

Of course, there are many different reasons people choose to lose weight. If you have cardiovascular disease or diabetes, losing weight is a surefire way to improve blood glucose control, blood pressure and blood fats. Many of us are also at risk for these life-threatening diseases and need to lose weight as a preventive measure. And, of course, all of us want to look and feel better.

A 50%-25%-25% low glycemic diet is the perfect vehicle to achieve safe and permanent weight loss. It has the right mix of carbohydrates, protein and fats. As you already have learned, low glycemic carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, pasta, beans, and stoneground wheat bread do not cause the excess production of the fat storing hormone insulin. These same carbohydrates also insure that you receive sufficient amounts of fiber and cancer fighting phytonutrients. The right amounts protein and fat insure a fat burning metabolism without putting you in the danger zone for cancer, heart and kidney disease.

First, a low glycemic diet induces a sequence of hormonal and metabolic changes that decrease hunger and cause you to eat less. In a landmark study, conducted by the Department of Medicine at the Boston Children’s Hospital, the test subjects were fed low, medium and high glycemic meals of similar macronutrient content. The amount of food that the subjects then consumed over a five-hour period after the test meal was then measured. The results showed that the subjects who ate the high glycemic test meal voluntarily consumed 83% more food than the subjects who ate the low glycemic test meal did. In addition, blood tests of the high glycemic group showed elevated serum insulin levels. The scientists concluded that the low glycemic diet caused the subjects to consume less food.

Second, a low glycemic diet will give you the energy to exercise. In a study conducted at San Jose State University and published in the Journal of Medical Science Sports Exercise (Jan 1999), a group of cyclists were tested for endurance after being fed both low and high glycemic meals 30 minutes before exercise. The results were remarkable. After 2 hours of exercise the cyclists who consumed the low glycemic meal reported less exertion than the high glycemic group. The cyclists were then directed to exercise to the point of exhaustion. The time to exhaustion for the low glycemic group was 59% longer than the high glycemic group. 

Check out this site if you are into fitness: Action Fitness Training

Scott Magers is a leading educator, formulator, and motivator in the field of nutrition and fitness. With over 32 years of experience in nutritional science, Scott has worked with many of the top professional and Olympic athletes, business leaders, sports teams, youth groups, and celebrities outlining detailed programs emphasizing a low glycemic, nutrient-dense, balanced approach to nourishing the body.
Product Reviews

X3 Bar | 3x More Effective Than Weights | 10–300 Lbs Strength Training System | Muscle Building Resistance Bands & Workout Program Review

Home Gym Exercise Bands Review
I found these particular X3 exercise bands are a great way to exercise at home. This is better than anything at the regular gyms or using free weights at home.

It takes an unbelievably short amount of time and even builds my muscles
more rapidly. It is truly amazing. You would never think it would even work.
The secret is using proper exercise bands that don’t break. They
automatically increase the resistance as you use them. I can’t believe it
only takes 10 minutes a day. You recover so fast you can do it every day.
Normally you go to a gym and workout about 30-45 minutes a day,
perhaps every other day, or so.

I realized the reason I sometimes postponed my exercising was because I
didn’t have enough time, not any more using the X3 system.

I originally thought exercise bands were useless. They look like they don’t
do anything compared to lifting weights. I thought they were ineffective,
low quality and broke easily. These are durable and no assembly is required.

These particular exercise bands engage all my major muscle groups and
provide me with a totally complete workout. I can quickly and easily achieve a high level of intensity, which is the secret.

The way it works, to receive significant benefit from a short workout, – is it
achieved by a high level of intensity. The force applied to my muscles varies, depending on what part of the exercise I am doing: At the “top” of the chest press, just before lockout the forces on my muscles can be 7X what they were when the bar was close to my chest.

That ultra-high force triggers a faster adaptive response. And when I can’t reach full extension because of the high forces, I transition to ¾ reps, where forces are lower because the band is looser.

Once I am fatigued again, I can do ½ reps with lower forces
still, and finally ¼ reps. At the end of the set, I may be barely moving the
bar. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s brutally hard. But it is short and intense.

Jaquish Biomedical researchers even have included a 12 week online
video program available. No assembly is required, and it can be stored in a
standard file drawer. The bar and foot plate are built in Knoxville, TN, made in the USA out of alloy steel and Marine Grade HDPE used for the decks of ships.

The product is durable and well supported by knowledgeable people. My health is a lifelong commitment, and the product and its company will stand by me. If one of those parts ever fails due to a manufacturing defect, Jaquish Biomedical will replace it immediately.

I love that their support team is entirely US based, and every member has been required to read dozens of research papers pertaining to human performance and exercise science. Every member of their team owns and uses the X3 exercise bands. Every member of their team has personally done the workouts I do and benefited themselves in the same way I do. I actually look forward to my daily brief workout.
Get more information here: Best Fitness Products for 2020.

Scott Magers is a leading educator, formulator, and motivator in the field of nutrition and fitness. With over 32 years of experience in nutritional science, Scott has worked with many of the top professional and Olympic athletes, business leaders, sports teams, youth groups, and celebrities outlining detailed programs emphasizing a low glycemic, nutrient-dense, balanced approach to nourishing the body.